Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Module 3:  Rhymes of History Technology

The cell phone was first introduced back in the 1940's to the military and some business people but was not commonly used with the general public.  As the years advanced so did the use of the cellular phone.  By the 60's and 70's more business people were using them.   Once the 90's came, more common people were using them but they were so bulky and they were restricted to more of using only in your car.  As technology advanced so did the use of cellular phones and their capabilites.  Today, you can't walk in public without seeing the majority of people with a cellular phone in their hand, up to their ear, texting or searching the Internet.  Cell phones and their abilities have come a long way since the 1940's--majority of individuals having them versuses the traditiaonl land lines.  People are all about convienance and cellular service has provided the people the convienance they desire.  Retrieved July 4, 2012.  Retrieved July 4, 2012.


  1. Module 3 Response to Brandy:

    Greetings Brandy!

    Yes, cell phones have definitely come a long way. People are now becoming addicted to their cell phones to the point where they can't drive without talking or texting.

    Do you think this "addiction" to cell phone use will increase over time? Do you see anything possibly replacing a cell a phone in time (as I think what could possibly be better)? Lastly, do you think pay phones will eventually cycle back into existence like many other things have?


  2. Tawana

    I can't imagine cell phones phasing out nor anything being better to replace them. I think cell phones will only continue to get "smarter" over time. Pay phones are a thing of the past and I don't see them phasing back in.


  3. Brandy,

    Just yesterday I was taking one of my softball players home from practice and she asked me when I got my first cell phone. After discussing the topic a little more, she revealed her parents got her a cell phone - brace yourself - at the age of 6. Yes, you read that correctly! It is amazing how reliant society - myself included - has become in regards to staying connected via cellular phones.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas,

  4. Brandy,

    Great example, cell phones are taking on the life of computers, cameras, navigation systems and many other devices. There is even new technology in the works to make the cell phone the new wallet. I am amazed at the many features and uses of cell phones!
