Sunday, June 24, 2012

Module 2: Tetrad on the Tablet

Module 2:  Tetrad on the Tablet

Tablets have become part of a lot of classrooms and workplaces due to their versatility.  They have started replacing the traditional paper/pencil which allows for individuals to become more organized.  The size of tablets makes it easier for individuals to transport them from one setting to the other.  The advancement in the touch screen and use of stylus pens has also helped to make the use of tablets more user friendly.  Another great feature is that most tablets allow the user to use the same applications and software that they are used to using on their traditional desktop and laptop computers. 

Enhances:  With tablets, they are easier to travel with, they allow the user to print, search the Internet, etc.  Pretty much anything you can do on a desktop and laptop can be done on the tablet. 
Obsoletes:  This piece of technology could possibly make the desktop and laptop obsolete in the future. 
Retrieves:  With this piece of technology paving the future, there will be room for advancement in the tablets.  In the past individuals assumed that the bigger the piece of technology was, the better it must be.  Then we went to era where the smaller the tablet was the more convenient it was.  Society has moved to a happy medium on the tablets—where a decent size screen is easier to use.
Reverses:  This piece of technology can reduce the amount of traditional paper/pencil that so many people are used to using.  Tablets allow the user to be more organized with various applications that are available on the device. 



Chen, T., E. Chow, et al. (2005). "Positivo Informática: The Tablet PC Textbook."

Retrieved June 24, 2012, from (2007). "Software For The Tablet PC."Retrieved June 24, 2012, from


  1. Module 2 Response from Tawana Stiff:

    In accordance with your post, I agree that tablets provides the same functional capacity as a desktop or laptop in a compact device. Once I purchased my android phone, I was so amazed at how much it could do. However, the one thing it lacks is a "decent size screen" as you mentioned. I would definitely like to invest in a tablet in the very near future. Do you already own a tablet? If so, how do you most commonly use it? Great post!

    Tawana Stiff

  2. Tawana

    I do own a Tablet but use it more as a toy on most occassions. I have found that I am more dependant on my laptop when it comes to completing assignments and work.


  3. Brandy,

    After reading the posts of the learning community, I think it is safe to say we are all in agreement that tablets have great potential in today's digital world. I noted that you predict that tablets could eventually replace desktop and laptop computers. I have a smart phone and a Kindle Fire that I use for many of the applications and activities I previously used a laptop to complete. However, I have found it difficult to convince myself that I could use a tablet to accomplish tasks such as composing lengthy documents for my academic endeavors. Do you think students would have this same issue or do you think they are already accustomed to using these smaller devices without the qwerty keyboard?


    1. Laura

      Funny that mentioned the students and using the smaller devices. I commented on pretty much that idea on your blog. I think that todays kids are used to using the smaller devices and find the traditional desktop and laptop more challenging to use. When students are typing in my class they complain that they aren't as fast because of the QWERTY keyboard....they are so used to using touch screens. I have the IPhone, Kindle Fire and IPad and when it comes to completing the more lengthly, detailed things---I always resort back to my laptop.


  4. Brandy,

    I agree that the desktop could become obsolete, but I think it is due to its size and stationary position. I think the laptop is here to stay at least for the next 10 years. Tablets are great for leisure and children; in the business world the laptop still holds the power.

  5. Brandy,

    The tablet is a great example of emerging technology, its compatibility and convenience enhances and increases learning opportunities. This technology also supports the environment. Do you think that most schools have adequate network infrastructure in place to support wireless technologies such as the tablet?

  6. Sherrell

    I agree with you when it comes to the business world that laptops are probably here to stay. I believe the tablets to be more of a toy as of rigt now.


  7. Kathi

    As a teacher in one of the largest school districts in Arkansas, I don't think our schools are ready to implement such a large number of to wireless devices like tablets. I know we have a couple of schools that use them in their technology classes instead of the desktop and laptops but from what I have heard from colleagues there have been a lot of glitches that still need to be addressed.


  8. Brandy-

    It looks like we are on the same page when it comes to the tablet. The first thing that I thought of was it easy portability and allows for access no matter where you are. I also thought about the lap top and how it has similarities in how easy it is to carry. However, when compared, the tablet is smaller and lighter. Have you gotten the opportunity to use them in your classroom?

